Welcome to our brand new website

Hello, welcome to the Victoria Hall website

I’m Rachel O’Leary, the Events Manager.

Over the next few months I want to share stories of this beautiful building in the heart of Sheffield City centre; it’s history, it’s importance, and the life of the building today.

We are building the website live and will be adding stories of the people who are central to the Victoria Hall - the charities who have their offices based here, the groups that use our many rooms, the fantastic events that have raised the roof of the main hall, the team that care for the fabric of the building, the volunteers who pay a vital role in the buildings growth, the church life and our plans for the future of Victoria hall Sheffield.

If you have a story to share of your connection to this historic building we’d love to hear from you. Email or ring me using the contact details on the website.

Stay safe



Team Spotlight: Toby